Have you ever found yourself just feeling lost? Not sure who you are or where you’re going in life? Maybe you’re in a situation that requires you to make decisions but you feel confused about which way you should go.

I found myself feeling like this one morning. I was facing some situations that required decisions, however, it was hard to see what path I should take because my emotions had become involved.

It is hard to make clear decisions when things like worry, anxiety, wrong thinking, hurt and offense get into your heart. I knew I had let some of these things into my heart and as a result I was so confused I almost didn’t know who I was or what I wanted anymore. I also knew I needed to clear all of that out of my heart in order to have His peace and to hear His voice with clarity.

So I went to my prayer and meditation room and as I began to meditate on God, I began to release and let go of all the “stuff” that had built up in my heart. I let go of worry, anxiety, hurt and offense. I emptied myself of all that stuff and in the stillness of His beautiful presence, felt His peace begin to flood my soul.

As soon as I began to meditate on Him I had an instant sense of who I am. I know who I am when I am in His presence. It is a beautiful thing. My world felt right again. Peace came and so did the answers and clarity that I needed.

This is what I wrote in my journal that morning – I pray that it helps and encourages you.

I find myself
I find my way
I know who I am when I’m with you Lord

Sometimes I get lost. I lose my way, my position, my coordinates, my centre. But when I look for Him and find Him, I find my way, who I am, where I’m going. He centres me, He positions me for life. He sets me on right paths. He shows me the way. He is the shining light that lights my pathway when darkness and confusion surround me. He fills me with hope. He fills me with purpose. He leads me to light.

Find yourself
Find your way
When you find Him in the secret place

Praying that you find peace and light this week as you meditate on Him!

Leah  ♥♥