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Hello and welcome to the God Centred Meditation blog!

I especially want to welcome all the new subscribers who have recently joined us since hearing about God Centred Meditation on Christian radio station Hope 103.2FM.

As some of you may have heard, I recently had the honour of being interviewed about God Centred Meditation on Christian radio. It was such a thrill for me to be able to share about this life-transforming practice that I am so passionate about.

If you missed the interviews and would like to listen, they are both now available on the home page of this website.

I was thrilled with the huge response we received to the interviews and it reiterated to me once again that every one of us has a deep longing and even an ache in our heart to find peace and be closer to God.

More than ever before, we are seeking ways to find peace, relief from the pressures and stress we face and ultimately a deeper connection with our magnificent God.

I found the peace that I desperately needed and the deep connection with God that my heart was longing for through spending time in meditation with God in His presence and I am passionate about sharing that experience with others.

Psalm 46:10 say to “Be still and know I am God”. We know that if we can just be still and rest in God’s presence we would find the peace we need but the question that I get asked the most is “how”; how do I become still? How do I stop the relentless thoughts that are racing around my mind; how do I let go of anxiety; how do I get out of my headspace and into my heart-space where God lives?”

So I’m excited to start a series of blog posts with you where I am going to share my own tips on how I find stillness.

My prayer is that you will take a few minutes each day to find a quiet place and use these tips to help you “be still” and find the peace that comes from spending time in God’s presence.

My personal goal this year is to learn to live more and more from the heart-space where God lives (instead of the head space where stress, worry and anxiety live) and I hope you will join me on this journey.

So sign up below to get started. As soon as we receive your details you will be sent the link for the blog posts.  (There is also now a link on the blog to listen to the blog post as well as read it).

Praying that you find peace and strength as you meditate on Him.

Leah  ♥♥