We are created in the image of God who is a triune being. We are also triune beings – made up of Body, Mind and Spirit (or sometimes also described as – Body, Mind and Soul).

The Bible says about Faith, Hope and Love that the greatest of these is Love. That got me thinking about Body, Mind and Spirit and wondered if we could also say that the greatest of these is Spirit?

Could we really say that one part of us is greater or more important than the other? I believe so. The Bible says love is the greatest but that does not mean faith and hope are unimportant – they are very important – so important I would even say essential for life.

In the same way, our bodies and minds are important but I do believe our Spirit is the most important part of our being.

Our spirit is the eternal part of us, our spirit is where God lives, our spirit is where peace, love, creativity and joy live and it is through our spirit that God speaks to us and connects with us.

Probably because we can see our bodies we are much more aware of the needs of our body. Most of us do our best to take care of our body by feeding it, resting it, exercising it and looking after it.

We are also much more aware of our minds and every time we think, read, learn, study and problem solve we are feeding, exercising and nourishing our mind. We can take extra care of our mind by being careful what we allow in and what we think about and by resting it.

But what about our spirit? What  do we do for our spirits? It is the most important part of our being but – (mainly because of the busy-ness and demands of life) – our spirit is usually the most neglected part of our being.

In the normal course of a day we would usually do something to feed, nourish and take care of our body and mind (although we sometimes need to rest our mind more than we do too) but for many of us we might only get to do something that nourishes our soul once a week or even less.

Think about when was the last time you did something to nourish your soul?  Imagine if that was also the last time you ate – some of us would be pretty hungry, tired and worn out by now.

In fact sometimes when we’re feeling exhausted and tired it is not always physical, it may be that our soul is tired and in need of rest.

We often hear people talk about the need to have balance in life but what they usually mean is balancing our time between work, play, family, friends and self. However, a balanced life is only achieved, and is really about, taking care of our spirit as much, if not more, than our body and mind.

When our soul is well nourished, everything else falls into place.

There are lots of things we can do to nourish our soul – such as taking a walk on the beach, getting out in nature, spending some time with a loved one, going to Church, listening to beautiful music and so on.

All of these are good and it is important to take time to do these things often. But there is one thing that will restore your soul, bring you peace, energize, renew and sustain you and that is spending time with God in meditation.

There is nothing better for the soul than disengaging the mind from all the worries and cares of life for a while and connecting spirit to spirit with God.

Not only is it good for your soul but meditation also provides the opportunity to rest your mind and body too. It really is win / win / win for our whole being.

And speaking of faith, hope and love, meditating on God will grow your faith, give you hope and lead you to know God’s love more quickly, more easily and more powerfully than anything else can.

It is something you can do every day at home or where ever you are. Your mind will fight it. It will tell you “no, no, no I’m too busy, there’s too much to do, I haven’t got time, there’s so much to worry about”.

That might be true, but give your spirit the space it needs. It will be worthwhile. In fact, my experience is that when I make time for meditating on God, it is amazing how much more productive my days are, how much easier everything seems to fall into place, how much lighter the load feels and how much more empowered I feel to face life.

I can’t urge you enough to spend some time with God in meditation today. Your spirit will thank you!

Praying you feel inspired to spend some time meditating on God – let me know if you do.

Leah  ♥♥