A thought for you to meditate on today…

I was watching my 11 year old son play soccer one day and one of the frustrating things you sometimes see in this game is when one person attempts to kick an impossible goal when they would have been better passing it to someone with a clearer shot.

It made me think how much this is like us and the Holy Spirit. We have the ball and we are attempting to make an impossible shot, surrounded by the opposition who are doing their best to make us fail. The Holy Spirit has a clear shot for goal and he is calling “pass it to me, pass it to me”.

Standing back on the sideline we can see it’s the best option but in the heat of the moment, the child feels the pressure and excitement. Maybe they forget they have someone on their team they can pass to; maybe it’s their genuine desire to win; maybe it’s their desire to be the hero; maybe they are just not skilled enough yet; but for whatever reason they take the impossible shot. – and miss.

If only the child had taken a moment to stop and realize he had someone on his team he could pass to. If only we would take a moment to stop and realize the Holy Spirit has a clear shot and we can pass to Him – He is on our team, He wants us to win.

God is like a loving father or coach on the sideline. He doesn’t berate you for missing the goal. In fact He shares your disappointment probably even more deeply than you know.

He’s hoping that you learn the art of taking a moment to look to the One who has the clear shot, then passing it to Him. He’s hoping you will remember that you have back-up on the field.

Just like Jacob said in Genesis 28:16 “Surely the Lord is in this place and I wasn’t even aware of it”, we can go through our day unaware that the presence of the Lord is with us.

We can become so bombarded by all the noise and demands of life that it’s easy to forget that God’s presence is with us. It’s easy to forget, in the pressure of the moment, to call on the One who can help us.

We don’t have to do it on our own. He will take the shot for us. He can make the impossible happen. We just need to remember He is there and to pass it to Him.

Are you trying to kick an impossible goal today? Are you surrounded by opposition that are doing their best to make you fail? Take a moment to stop, right where you are now and realize that the Holy Spirit is with you. He has a clear shot and He is calling “pass it to me, pass it to me”. Take a moment to pass it to Him and you will experience the incredible peace that comes from knowing He has it under control.

Even better, starting your day in meditation with God will help you have more awareness of His presence throughout the day and will help you become skilled at the art of passing everything to Him.

Praying you have a blessed and peace-filled week!

Leah  ♥♥