I have heard it said that we should make Christ the centre of our life.  This is not quite right. We can’t “make” Christ centre. He IS centre.

Trying to make God fit into our life and our plans is futile. It leads to a life that does not work, at least not the best it possibly could, and it leads to frustration, confusion and even anger with God.

In the same way the planets can not make the sun revolve around them, we can not make God revolve around our own personal world.

The planets were made to revolve around the sun and we were made to revolve our life around God.

If you feel frustrated because life is not working out how you want it to – or if you feel confused because you have tried to make God centre of your life but it’s still not working, then it’s time to step back, let go of what you are trying to make work, turn around and set your eyes on the One who is centre and who puts our life into perfect alignment when we look to Him.

We can’t just pick God up and try to place Him into the centre of everything going on in our life. It doesn’t work like that. There is only one centre and it is Jesus. He is a rock, immovable and unchangeable and life only works when we turn our lives, hearts and mind toward Him instead of trying to force Him to fit in with our world.

Sometimes we can feel like we are hitting our head against a brick wall in life. We cry out to God asking “God I don’t understand why this is not working. I am trying to put you first. I am trying to make you centre of my life but life is still not working”. And the reason is that His centre is not our centre. 

He is His own centre and we can’t shift Him and try and put Him into the middle of what we are doing and hoping that will work. The only way to be centred in life is to have our eyes fully on Him and sometimes that means turning our eyes from what we are looking at and looking toward Him.

Only then do we find our life in perfect alignment, centred and at peace. Amazingly, when we let go of everything we are trying to make happen and turn our eyes to Him, it releases something supernatural and life begins to work.

It is an incredibly good feeling when life begins to work and things begin to flow and you no longer find yourself striving.

Life is harsh on the soul and sometimes after a hectic day my spirit can be rattled and feeling off-centre. It is only when I come into the Presence of God, shake off the things of the day and turn my eyes to Him that I find my soul re-centred, re-adjusted, settled, calmed and re-nourished.

If you are feeling off-centre or striving to make life work, take some time to meditate on God and you will find that time spent in His presence is like soothing oil for the soul and will release the answers you need to re-centre your life.

Praying that you find yourself centred in Him this week!

Leah  ♥♥