I came across a beautiful blog this week that I enjoyed so much I thought I would share it here with you.

While some may not identify with this blog, there are many who know the painful, soul-destroying feeling of desperately seeking God but never quite feeling like they ever make the connection with him that they so desperately desire.

I love the revelation in this blog; that it is not about our performance but it is about God’s love.

This is one of the greatest things I have experienced since I discovered God Centred Meditation. I can come to Him and let go of all my preconceived ideas of what I have to do to please God and instead just “be”; be still and know God, be still and accept his beautiful outpouring of love for me.

There is nothing sweeter than sitting in the stillness of his presence and letting his love wash over your soul.

But how often we forget this and how often we fall back to our own humanness and look to the things we think we have to do to please him to be able to experience his presence and his love. We easily forget about his amazing grace and love.

On my last blog post (Be still and KNOW I am God) I wrote about how we may sometimes come to God in meditation and feel as if we are not making a connection with him.

This can leave us feeling everything from frustrated to despondent to worried that there is some awful thing blocking us from him.

As I wrote last week, God WILL meet with us EVERY time we seek him. Jeremiah 29:13-14 says “I will be found by you when you seek me with all your heart”.

And God is faithfully true to his word. Last week I wrote that sometimes we have a tangible sense of God’s presence when we meditate on him. Sometimes there is not, but regardless of what we feel, he ALWAYS meets us when we come to him in the secret place.

It is true that we should come to God with a heart desiring to connect with Him and sadly the world is full of people whose hearts are not turned toward him. However, there are many whose hearts long for more of God and sometimes that longing can turn to desperation to find him.

It is a good thing to long for God. It is not a good thing when that longing goes beyond the point of faith; the point of being able to know for sure that God is with you to a point where desperation sets in. In this state we begin to wonder “what is wrong with me?”, “what have I done wrong?”, “why can’t I feel God?”  We fail to see that God IS with us gently speaking to our heart “be still and know I am God”.

Remembering, meditating on, and accepting God’s love centres us. It brings us back from the point of desperation to a place of faith, a place of peace and a place of joy.

Once you have a taste of how wonderful he is, there will always be a sense of yearning in our hearts for him that won’t be completely fulfilled until the day we see him face to face. In the meantime we don’t have to live with desperation in our heart. We can live a life filled to overflowing with his amazing love.

If you have ever found yourself in this state and wondered “maybe I’m not desperate enough” then I would say that just by the fact you have taken the time to search for ways to be closer to him, then you are someone who already has a heart seeking after God and that is enough.

I hope you enjoy reading the blog below as much as I did. And I hope it inspires you to take time this week to meditate on the incredible, limit-less, love, grace and mercy of God.

I encourage you to begin your time of meditation by focusing on how deep, how high, how wide, how all encompassing his amazing love is for us. And as you wait in his presence in meditation, let that love fill and wash over your soul.

I know that if we spent every day of the rest of our lives meditating on the love of God, we would still only scratch the surface of his magnificent love.

And when you experience just a taste of this amazing love, you will say, like the psalmist, his love is better than life.

God bless you. Praying peace and blessing for you this week!

Leah  ♥♥