Did you know that if you never take time to connect spirit to Spirit with God, you will only ever know God according to the knowledge you have of him in your head.

The knowledge we have in our head is flawed and tainted by our own human thinking and weaknesses.

To really know the incredible depths of his goodness and love we must have more than a head knowledge of God, we must know him spirit to Spirit.

I came to God in meditation one morning and I was feeling a bit low because I felt like I had let God down. I felt like I had disappointed and failed him.

I don’t remember exactly what it was now but I think I had lost my cool with my children and felt very disappointed that my love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control (pretty much all the fruit of the Holy Spirit) had gone out the window in that moment.

As I sat there feeling disappointed that I had let God down, I heard him say to me “that’s only what you think I think”

In that split second I realized I was judging God based on my own thinking but my own thinking was tainted by my feelings of guilt, shame and disappointment.

I realized again how important it is for us to take time to connect with him spirit to Spirit because if we only ever know and experience God according to the knowledge we have in our mind, it will always be limited by our own thinking and thoughts of unworthiness.

Have you ever felt like your relationship with God is going great but then something happens and maybe you fall into an old habit or behave in a way that you think is not pleasing to God?

So then, like Adam and Eve, you feel so embarrassed or ashamed, instead of running to him, you avoid Him and feel like you can not continue your relationship with Him.

This is just one of the reasons why it is so important to not filter everything we know about God through our mind only.

Humanly speaking, our mind is not capable of understanding all of God. He is greater than our minds can conceive. He is greater than we can imagine. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that he is able to do – and therefore is – immeasurably greater and infinitely beyond anything we can think or imagine.

To really understand how God can love us even when we feel like we don’t deserve it we must connect with him spirit to Spirit.

God-encounters take place in our spirit, which in turn, transform our mind.

The practice of God Centred Meditation allows us to still our thoughts and mind and allow our spirit – our inner self, the eternal part of our being – to connect with God.

John 4:24 (NLT Bible) says “God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth”

The Pulpit Commentary explains this verse by saying “Only the spirit of man can really touch or commune with the Spirit of spirits

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges says “God is spirit, and must be approached in that part of us which is spirit”

Matthew Poole’s Commentary says “He (God) is a spiritual Being, the Father of spirits; and therefore those that pay homage to him, must do it with their spirits”

I have found this to be so true. The best way I know to connect with God is to disengage my thoughts, still my mind of all the things of life that worry me and weigh me down and instead, engage my spirit to connect with God, spirit to Spirit.

I am blessed to have three wonderful sons who are a constant joy and delight to me but like all children, they don’t always know the appropriate time to say or ask things.

I remember one time, one of my sons was misbehaving and my husband and I had expressed our dissatisfaction with his behaviour.

Moments later, we were amazed at his lack of sense of appropriateness when he came back to give us a list of all the things he would like us to buy for his birthday.

In his beautiful child-like innocence, he had no comprehension that while he was in trouble, it was probably not the best time to ask us for special gifts and rewards.

As we grow up we learn that good behaviour is associated with receiving good things.

The problem is, we sometimes confuse this and think that God’s love is dependant on our behaviour. This can make us feel like we can’t come to God if we have done something wrong or let him down. We feel like it changes our relationship with him.

Have you ever offended or hurt someone or done the wrong thing and you feel very sorry but you are so embarrassed you feel like you can’t face them to apologise? So time goes by and then it’s even harder to speak to them.

That’s how we are with God sometimes. Sometimes we feel like we have done something so wrong or disappointed him so much that we actually avoid him.

This is human nature. It is what Adam and Eve did in the garden. When they realized that they had done the wrong thing, they hid from God.

But this is not what God wants. He wants us to come to him, despite our faults and failures, and despite the things we do that we think disappoint him and let him down.

And this is why it is so important to come to him spirit to spirit.

In our minds we think that God sees us the same way we see ourselves. We judge God based on what we think he thinks of us but our thinking often comes from low self esteem, guilt, shame, embarrassment and  disappointment in ourselves.

Even if we know in our mind this is not right, we find it hard to accept and believe otherwise. In our minds, we find it hard to understand how he can love us.

Our mind will try and tell us that we are unworthy to come back to God. If we filter God’s love through our mind we won’t understand it. We will only ever think that God sees us according to how good we are. We will only ever think that God sees us how we see, think and feel about ourselves.

Our mind perceives God according to how we think God thinks. So, if we feel that we have disappointed God, our mind allows us to believe that God is also disappointed in us, and that makes it hard for us to come to him.

If we only ever filter what we know about God through our mind, we will only ever see him according to what we think is acceptable and pleasing to him.

But his love for us doesn’t change according to whether we think we have failed or disappointed him. We don’t even have to try and win back his love and trust. Malachi 3:6 says “I, the Lord, do not change”. He loves us no matter what.

His love is as strong and as real in our lowest moments as it is in our highest, most spiritual moments. There is no need for us to hide from God.

Come to him, spirit to spirit and let him show you how much he loves you. Let him show you what he really feels about you. It is infinitely more than you could ever imagine.

This is why it is important to not let our thoughts control us but come to him, spirit to spirit, because our spirits can understand and accept his wonderful love and grace so much more easily.

My spirit understands that no matter how much I feel like I fail God, He still loves me and he doesn’t want me to hide from him, he wants me to run to him.

God is like the Father in the parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32). The son disrespected the father, hurt him and caused him great pain but when the son realized the error of his ways and returned home, the father was not only waiting there for him with open arms, but the Bible says, he RAN to his son and embraced him.

I understand this incredible grace so much more now that I have children of my own. I understand that no matter how many wrong things my children do, I still love them and I still want them to be in loving relationship with me.

When you connect with God spirit to Spirit you will discover a love that goes beyond our comprehension. You will find that he is longing to be with you, to forgive you and to have a beautiful relationship with you.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Jesus said we must become like little children (Matthew 18:3) unafraid to come to our loving heavenly Father, knowing that he will love and receive us no matter what we have done.

I want to finish by reminding you about King David. He wrote some of the most beautiful love songs to God, and about God, ever written. David was an amazing man but he was not always good. In fact, he did many wrong things in his lifetime. Yet God loved David. He called him “a man after his own heart” because David always ran back to God with a heart full of love and worship.

Don’t hold back from God when you feel you have let him down. Run to him.

If you have been avoiding God because you think he is not pleased with you, or because you feel ashamed about something or maybe there is something unresolved in your heart, take some time to sit with him in his presence; open up your heart, let his love wash over your soul to forgive and make things right.

Don’t let your thoughts of how you think God feels about you keep you from the most amazing love you will ever know.

If you want to learn more about how to connect with God spirit to Spirit, you can find more information on this website and you can also subscribe to this blog.

I hope this has helped and blessed someone today! I would love to hear from you if it has!

Praying peace and blessings for you!

Leah  ♥♥