Psalm 103:2 says “Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits”

I began practising God Centred Meditation because of a deep longing to spend time with God.  I discovered that when you seek God first, He gives you so much more than you could ever hope or imagine.

My life has changed in so many ways since connecting with God at such a deep level and just one of the things that I have found is that things just work out for me. Life just works.

I have had countless situations where things that I once would have had to fight for in the natural or in the spiritual just work out. They just fall into place. I don’t stress, I don’t worry, it just works.

There was one situation where I was in a dispute with a government department about a large amount of money that they owed me. This was before I discovered God Centred Meditation.

I was advised that I was able to appeal the decision and the matter was passed through numerous people in the appeals process. At every level, they rejected my claim. Finally, one of the very last options available to me was to appear at a tribunal and explain my case to them. After the hearing, the tribunal member empathized with my situation but explained that she had no legal avenues by which to approve my case.

I had one final avenue of appeal, however I was about to go on holidays so decided to submit the application when I returned from holidays. By this time I had discovered and begun practising God Centred Meditation.

After my return from holidays, there was a letter waiting for me from this final department advising me that even though the tribunal had rejected my application they had made a decision to pay me the money they had been disputing for 2 years! The money went into my bank account the following week. I had not even submitted the application!! Things just work out for me!!

I have a favorite quote I often like to remind myself of when I pray and meditate and it is

“God is with me, God is for me, God is in me”

This is not just some quaint little saying I like to quote but there is a real and life-transforming power, probably like no other, in the revelation that the living God, creator of the universe, lives inside you and me.

I was thinking about this incredible phenomenon that has been occurring in my life since I started practicing God Centred Meditation where things just work and thought about this favorite saying of mine.

And I had an incredible revelation about the different levels we can live at in God.

One is the level of “God is with me, God is for me”. This is the level of faith where we trust God… where we pray and quote scripture and trust God for something we desperately need or want. There is absolutely nothing wrong with living at this level. This is a great revelation. I pray this often.

But it can actually become a level of “lack of faith” where we start to beg God for answers.

There is another level and that is the level of “God is in me”

When you have a revelation that the living God lives inside you and that you have access to everything He is and everything He has, your life will never be the same.

This is the God that the Bible describes as the One “who calls things into being”.

Sometimes we try to call things into being but we are living at the level of “God is with me, God is for me” and really we are just hoping or begging God to call something into being.

When you live at the level of “God is in me”, you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living within you and nothing is impossible.

When God speaks, He calls things into being. When you live at the level of “God is in me”, what you speak simply calls things into being.

How do you live at the level of “God is in me”? It is only by revelation and that revelation only comes from spending time in His presence.

It can’t be just head knowledge. It has to be “spirit knowledge” and spirit knowledge only comes when we connect with His Spirit.

You can believe it in your head but it won’t be real in your life until it drops into your spirit.

When you’re going through a difficult situation, you can live at the level of “God is with me, God is for me” and that is good because that is faith; trusting God to help you and get you through.

But there is a greater level and that is the level of “God is in me”. When you live at that level you don’t even have to think twice about the situation.

And it is such a great revelation because anyone can live at this level; it is not reserved for the most spiritual few. This is the level where God wants us to live.

It just takes a revelation that God is in you!


You can find out how to meditate on God and receive revelation from Him on this website. You can also find out how to invite Him to live within you, if you have never done that before, so that you also can have His life transforming power living inside you.


Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone who has been sharing these posts on your social media and helping to spread the life-changing message of faith, hope, love and peace in Jesus. Please consider helping someone again today by clicking and sharing on one of the links below.

Praying blessings and peace for you!