If we stop to think about our soul for a moment we become conscious of what a beating this life gives it. The noise, the stress, life itself, can tire the soul.

The soul loves to walk in the garden, to sit beside cool, quiet streams of water, to lay in green fields bathed in sunshine while gazing up at a beautiful blue sky.

Our souls get battered and worn down by life. Give your soul the time and space you need to rest and be revived by God’s beautiful presence.

God walked with Adam & Eve in the garden in the cool of the evening. He still comes to the garden to walk with us every day.

He is waiting in the garden for you now – to refresh and restore your soul. Take some time to walk with him in the garden today.

Psalm 23: 2-3 “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He refreshes and restores my soul”