I want to share something that is on my heart at the start of this New Year because I know at the start of the year we are planning and dreaming about the year ahead. And I know for many of us if we’ve ever received a prophecy from God we might be thinking about that prophecy and wondering if this is the year it will happen. Recently I have heard quite a few of my friends talking about the prophecies they have been given about their life.So this blog is dedicated to anyone who has ever received a prophecy from God but is still waiting for it to happen.And that’s what I want to talk about today – the prophecies we receive about the great things God has planned for us and the great things that we are going to do for God but then often days, months, years and even decades go by and these things don’t happen. We’re left wondering why? We sit back and wonder “was that really God? Why hasn’t it happened? Will it ever happen?

I have discovered something in my life about prophecy. It changed the way I looked at prophecy and how it affects my life.  And this one little revelation could change the way you think about it too and has the potential to literally change the course of your life if you grab a hold of it.

Here is what I’ve discovered…

"Prophecy is an invitation to walk a particular pathway"

It is not just a vision of some great thing your life might look like somewhere down the track.It is an invitation from God to start to walk a particular pathway with Him today. It’s up to us to choose if we will accept His invitation and begin the journey. Prophecy reveals the gifts and plans He has for you and He is inviting you to walk the pathway into that future.God does not just paint a picture of what your life could or would look like one day and then you sit back and wait for that day wondering when it’s ever going to happen. He is presenting you with an invitation to walk a pathway toward that future. And He wants you to start that journey now.

The invitation started the day you received the prophecy but most of us have believed a lie from the devil that it is Holy to wait for God to make it happen. But actually God is waiting for us to make it happen, to walk the adventure He has personally planned for you and invited you on.

Accepting His invitation to walk the pathway into our future requires us to be deliberate and intentional about taking steps toward it. To say yes I am going to do that. I am going to make that happen. I am going to take steps toward it. I am going to pursue this with all my heart.

It may just be small steps to begin with.

For example, start to think about what your book might be about. Write out what the chapters would be. Do some training. Do some volunteering. Take some small step toward it and keep going from there. Ask yourself what can I do now/next to make this dream happen?

It also requires us to make changes in our life, to shift a few things, to think differently about who we are and what it is we do, we may need to drop or change some things and even make some sacrifices. There is never enough time so don’t wait for the day that there will be enough time. Find a way to fit it in. I think of two of my friends who are making their dreams happen.

One is pregnant with her fourth child and she is working on a dream and project God has given her to do and she stays up many nights til 2am to make it happen. That doesn’t mean she will have to do that forever. It’s just a season. It’s the sacrifice she’s making to see the dreams of God become a reality.

Two other friends of mine, both have children and work full time, they worked out they only had one night a week – that’s all they could spare so they faithfully committed to using that one night to work on their God dream. One has just released her first album and the other has released a few books.

God gives us the dream but mostly, (with His help), we make it happen.

Another thing you can do is tell some people you trust what you are doing. It engages their support and makes you accountable.

These are just a few steps you can take toward walking the path that God has planned for you.

Some may worry that if it’s God’s will He will make it happen and to an extent that is true. He will make opportunities and open doorways but it won’t just fall in your lap. You won’t just wake up one day and there you are living in the middle of your dream. The Bible says we are Gods co-labourers. We have to help make it happen. He has given you a gift, a dream, a message that the world needs to hear and He is waiting for you to step out and do it.

Will you accept His invitation? It is the most fulfilling, most exciting, most adventurous life you can live. Set aside the boring, the mundane, the comfort zone that you retreat to and step out onto the path which God has invited you to walk.

If you have never received a prophecy about the things that God has called you to do then I am going to prophecy to you right now that God does have an important plan and purpose for your life. We are all called to be His hands and feet, a conduit of His love, mercy, grace, compassion and presence to this world.  Ephesians 2:10 says that “we are Gods masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared for us in advance to do”

And of course we cannot do any of this ourselves. We walk this pathway in close (daily) connection with Him. This pathway requires time spent with God in prayer and meditation every day. Especially  meditation because that’s when we hear His voice leading us and giving us revelation, insight, creativity, ideas and wisdom for what He has called us to do.

I really hope to inspire you this year to go after the dreams God has placed in your heart.

Maybe you feel like the dream died a long time ago but that’s a good thing because all seeds have to die in order for life to come out of them. So it’s not too late. It’s not over. May this be the year you pursue and realise the dreams God placed in your heart. May your dreams be reignited. May you feel the excitement and joy of seeing your purposes and potential fulfilled.

To finish with a very famous cliche… just do it … or at the very least take some steps toward it this year.

Write that book, sing that song, start that connect group, or business, or ministry or charity, do that course, help that person, volunteer, write a blog – whatever it is Gods put in your heart, this is the year to do it.

Remember, prophecy is an invitation from God to walk a particular pathway… don’t wait any longer for it to happen… ask yourself what can you do today to accept His invitation and begin the journey to the life He has planned for you?

I pray with all my heart that you will.

God bless,

Leah  ♥♥