Faith lives in the spirit not the mind. One of the ways we know this is true is because what we know in our mind does not always form a conviction in our heart (or spirit).
We can know something in our head and still not have a revelation in our spirit. How many times have you experienced this – I know I have – when I know in my head that God is able to do something and I know that He is willing to do it. (for example, I know that God is willing and able to answer my prayers; to help me; to bring me peace or healing). I know He can do it and He is willing to do it… yet sometimes I still struggle to believe it will happen for me.
This is because faith does not live in the mind. It lives in your spirit and believing that God is willing and able to do something for you must go from being something you know in your head to something that you believe in your spirit.
When it drops from your head into your spirit it is like an “aha” moment, when suddenly you no longer just know God is willing and able but you have a firm assurance that it is going to happen. You know that you know that you know that it will happen… and it does.
True transformation starts in your spirit and ultimately transforms your mind. Faith is a spirit thing not a head thing. It begins with your spirit not your mind. For your mind to be transformed and for your life to be transformed it must begin with your spirit.
Romans 12:2 tells us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.
Some people think this means you can be transformed by changing your thoughts or changing the way you think. This is not correct. The scripture says “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. It does not say “be transformed by changing the way you think”.
There is a big difference. You can not be transformed by changing your thoughts or the way you think.
Of course, thinking more positively will certainly improve your outlook and even the quality of your life especially if you align your thinking with the Word of God.
But positive thinking alone can not and does not bring the ultimate level of transformation possible that God has intended for us.
When you think about it, the theory that we can change our own lives by changing our thought patterns is flawed because it relies on us. It relies on our ability to think positively, to be disciplined, to take control of our thoughts etc. However, we need a transformation beyond human power. If we rely simply on our own ability to control our thoughts, it will eventually fail. But if we rely on our almighty, all powerful God to transform us, it is powerful and lasting.
In fact the scripture tells us that it is actually impossible for us to transform our own mind…
Romans 8:7 says “the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so”. As much as we can try to re-train our thoughts, the mind alone is unable to transform itself.
This is because the renewing of your mind is not a job done by us but by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:23 says “Instead let the (Holy) Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”.
Going back to our original scripture (Romans 12:2 – Be transformed by the renewing of your mind) Strong’s Concordance confirms that the word “renewing” in this scripture means “completing a process, a renewal achieved by God’s power”.
This word only appears twice in the Bible. The other place it appears is in Titus 3:5 “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit”.
If we could transform our own lives by changing our thought patterns then Jesus’ death and resurrection would be no more than a ticket to heaven but in fact, Jesus died so that He could also give us a transformed life. (John 10:10 – I have come that they may have life and have it to the full).
In order to live a powerful, transformed life and in order to have the kind of faith that lives in your spirit where you have a firm conviction that all God’s promises are true and available to you then we must engage with God at a spirit level. This is how our spirit is renewed and transformed.
Knowing about God or knowing what the Bible says is not enough… it must get into your spirit. A renewed mind and a transformed life start with transformation of your spirit, not the other way around.
There are a number of ways that we can engage with God at a spirit level and have our spirits renewed and transformed, such as prayer, Bible reading, worship etc but in all my years as a Christian (which is all my life) I have never known anything so powerful and so deeply life transforming as meditating on God and with God.
Meditating on God, waiting on Him in His presence will change your spirit and transform your life. Instead of just having a head-knowledge of what God can and wants to do for you, you will receive a spirit-knowledge of Jesus and His power that lives in you. This is the most life transforming experience you can ever have.
Transformation of the spirit happens when we spend time with God’s Spirit, allowing Him to change and transform our life.
It can’t happen in the “busyness” of life, we must make time to be still in His Presence and allow Him to work on our heart.
2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as we meditate, contemplate, reflect and behold Him, our spirits are being changed into His likeness. When our spirits are changed, our minds are renewed and our lives are transformed.
That’s how faith drops into your spirit and when it does you will find that you believe the promises of God without that old doubt of “I know he can, I believe he wants to… but … I just don’t know if it will happen for me”. When faith gets into your spirit you have an unshakeable belief that, with God, nothing is impossible.
I hope this encourages you this week to spend some time meditating on God, making a heart / spirit connection with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to work on your spirit to bring transformation so that you will begin to see the changes you want to see in your life.
Praying peace and blessing for you!
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