This morning I reflected on how spending time with God and being filled and re-filled by the Holy Spirit is like laying down layers of grace, strength and peace in your life.

It’s like building a tower by laying one sheet of paper at a time on top of another.

The longer we spend with Him, the more layers we lay down in our life. The more of a foundation we have of these layers in our life, the stronger, more peaceful and easier life is.

I remember last year travelling to Thailand with my family. I was already practising God centred meditation on a daily basis but I remember there were moments on the flight feeling tired, frustrated and impatient with my 3 year old son.

This year we travelled to Malaysia and this year I have a few more sheets of paper laid in the foundation of the tower of peace, grace and strength that I’m building in my life and the difference in me was remarkable.

My 3 year old was not easier this year as he did not want to watch movies and the battery on the iPad went flat after awhile and he did not sleep, yet I was calm, happy and peaceful.

I cuddled him, made up stories to entertain him and felt patience and peace – even when he spilt food and drink, jumped around in his seat, had meltdowns and made too much noise; I felt compassion and peace.

Even after arriving at midnight with a tired, crying boy and nearly missing our connecting flight and the airline losing our stroller, I was completely calm and at peace.

It made me realize that peace is not attained by the occasional practice of being renewed through meditation or any other way.

It is the daily practice of setting aside time to be with God and be renewed in His presence day after day after day, no matter what. This is what lays the foundation of peace, grace and strength.

I picture sheets of paper being laid down one at a time – not only each time I meditate but also every time I am faced with the opportunity to be peaceful and not let stress and anxiety take over, I lay down another sheet in my foundation.

But I am only able to do this through the regular, daily practice of spending time with God – the great renewer of our souls – no matter how tired I am, no matter whether I feel like it, no matter how inconvenient it feels at the time.

Although personally I never feel like it is inconvenient to spend time with God. It is a pleasure, joy, honour and privilege to sit with and be renewed by the “restorer of my soul”.


Why not add another layer to your foundation of grace, strength and peace today by spending some time with God in meditation. Over time you will build a formidable force of strength and peace within yourself that can not be easily broken.


I hope you enjoyed reading this week’s short encouragement to build a foundation of peace in your life. As always, I am praying peace and blessings for you!


Psalm 23:3 ~ “He restores my soul”